Hello there, it's time for the monthly update for Sabre! We'll start with a quick overview of the tweaks for the fantasy system, which of course came from core improvements to Sabre developed while I'm running the scifi version.
Dual Wielding
Last month, I made some changes to the Bestiary with regards to the number of attacks a monster could get, and after some discussion, we've come up with a smoother way to apply two-weapon fighting rules as well. The basic idea here is that extra attacks slow down the combat, and by streamlining the process it yields more time for roleplay, problem solving or even more combat!
You can think of an attack roll as a sort of montage, taking place over a few seconds where multiple attacks can occur in sequence. So while using two weapon fighting styles, instead of making a second attack roll, you use the same result as your primary attack roll -20%. Therefore a roll of 84 becomes a 64 for your off-hand attack, and the defender applies their single defensive roll to both numbers. In this example, they could roll a 71, which fails to avoid the first weapon but succeeds in stopping the second weapon. Damage is still applied separately of course. And naturally, there's a talent to reduce that -20% penalty as your skill increases. Mmm, streamlined!
This applies to unarmed fighting, fencing (blades) and shield bashing, which itself has been streamlined a little more. Check the notes below for more specific details, and a bunch of other tweaks that have filtered through the pipeline.
Getting close now! I've ceased major developments (after restructing some of the invention system) and now I just have to finish the artwork to get this online. Well, there's a couple of sections that need writing embelishment, but it's not too difficult to complete that. Here are an alien race based on the 'Greys', and a silicon-based species. Mmm, adequate! I also have another picture half-completed, but that can wait until next time. Basically as of writing this, I have three and a half pictures to complete, then tweak the cover art for both manuals before it's ready to go. I'm improving, though it'll take a few more years before I'm really decent at this sort of thing. At least I'm getting the hang of lighting!
Anyway, that's about all for this month. I'm starting to feel creatively spent from all this intensive developlement work over the last six months, so once I get this done, I'll be taking time off before doing more work.
v2.81 Sabre Fantasy Premium
* Clarified that 'Leaders Luck' can only be used on rerolls you are using for yourself.
* Leadership can only be used by one character in a group.
* Removed 'Heavy Bash' shield talent, regular shield bash now adds Damage Modifier.
* Added 'Shield Slam' talent.
* Off-hand weapons in two-weapon fighting styles use the primary weapons' attack roll -20%. Updated 'Two Weapon Fighting' section to explain how it works.
* Revised the wording of the 'Shield Bash', 'Twin Shooters' and 'Dual Wielding' talents.
* Added 'Two Weapon Expert' talent.
* Simplified how to recover spent ammunition.
* Removed the reference to Young age characters still getting -1 to all attributes.
* 'Impact' weapon trait now reduces AP by 1 on a successful hit (shield AP comes first).
* 'Drunker Master' is now correctly spelled 'Drunken Master'!
* Partial Block now counts half the shield's AP on the Threat Level table.
* Added Bowyer/Fletcher and Glassmaker to the Craft skill.
* Listed the craft skill required to make tools from the tools list.
* Removed first aid kit, replaced with Bandages.
* Tools for given skills are now listed under a separate section, with details on kit qualities.
* 'Stock Slam' talent now also allows ranged weapons to be used to parry.
* Invisibility and similar spells now allow for going stealthly without needing cover.
* Added 'Restrain' animal training trick.
* Auldsteel now grants +3 AP and +3 damage to armour and weapons.
* Iron Fist martial arts talent now increases dice size by one step, instead of fixed damage increases (i.e. now gives its bonus to corvid unarmed damage).
v1.66 Sabre Fantasy Basic
* Removed 'Heavy Bash' shield talent, regular shield bash now adds Damage Modifier.
* Block Magic shield talent now correctly listed as requiring 99% skill.
* Off-hand weapons in two-weapon fighting styles use the primary weapons' attack roll -20%. Updated 'Two Weapon Fighting' section to explain how it works.
* Simplified how to recover spent ammunition.
* Removed the reference to Young age characters still getting -1 to all attributes.
* Revised the wording of the 'Shield Bash', 'Twin Shooters' and 'Dual Wielding' talents.
* 'Impact' weapon trait now reduces AP by 1 on a successful hit (shield AP comes first).
* Added Bowyer/Fletcher and Glassmaker to the Craft skill.
* Listed the craft skill required to make tools from the tools list.
* Removed first aid kit, replaced with Bandages.
* Tools for given skills are now listed under a separate section, with details on kit qualities.
* Added trap kits to the tools section.
* 'Stock Slam' talent now also allows ranged weapons to be used to parry.
* Invisibility spell now allows for going stealthly without needing cover.
* Iron Fist martial arts talent now increases dice size by one step, instead of fixed damage increases (i.e. now gives its bonus to corvid unarmed damage).