Hi everyone, I hope you're all fairing well during difficult times. I've had my head buried in the pages of the Sabre manuals, working out the kinks from the 2.0 update. I always knew there would be some fine tuning to be done, and here it is! Nothing major in terms of new content, but the scifi system in particular has had a good overhaul, especially the Starships manual. This last week I spent updating the Encounters manual too, s that was long overdue. Oh, and I've started using roll20 as well. The learning curve is a bit steep but I'm getting it sorted. I've even commissioned a roll20 HTML character sheet, so we'll see if that meets the requirements to get it into their system. 

The changelog notes speak for themselves so I won't spend too much time writing this blog, only that this will be the last update for a while - the system should be settling nicely now, and I'm starting to burnout a little, and that atlas has been neglected yet again! It's more of a side project at this point, hopefully I'll get it done this year but you never know. I do have another novel lined up too, so I want to start that in the near future as well. Anyway, take care and stay strong.


Fantasy Premium Core Rulebook v2.01

* Improved the damage for arquebuses, culverin & musket. Increased price for culverin.

* Added 'Muzzleloader' firearms manoeuvre.

* Courtesan 'Special Friend' gains a bonus to concealed weapons, and its seduction bonus against any sex has been moved over to 'Can't play a player'. 

* Ninjato is no longer considered a concealed weapon.

* Inheritor 'Bodyguard' option no longer grants the Soldier profession to your servant, but they do gain a free talent.

* Clarifed how the 'Control Movement' talent works.

* The Second Profession talent now states: If one of the professions has a light armour restriction, this applies to both professions.

* Tweaked the numbers for character advancement packages, as the secondary skills bonus was a little too high. Extensive testing has confirmed this was the right move.

* 'Brutal Existence' talent now also provides some natural AP.

* 'Last Stand' talent's DM bonus doesn't increase with skill.

* All ages of the Inheritor's servant can take combat skills.

* Altered the Inheritor's Veteran option to include Young servants, and is now called 'Bodyguard'.

* The Inheritor's 'Charmer' option now also improves Critical Range for Influence.

* Bard 'Magnetic' option now boosts Charisma instead of granting critical range.

* Doctor's 'Advanced Surgery' talent now also grants an extra action to use herbs or potions on self or others.

* Multishot, Rapid Shot & Double Tap  manoeuvres no longer apply a result bonus to the skill check at 99%.

* 'Headshot' manoeuvre now requires the shooter to be prone.



Fantasy Basic Core Rulebook v2.01

* Improved the damage for arquebuses, culverin & musket. Increased price for culverin.

* Ninjato is no longer considered a concealed weapon.

* Doctor's 'Advanced Surgery' talent now also grants an extra action to use herbs or potions on self or others.

* Clarifed how the 'Control Movement' talent works.

* The Second Profession talent now states: If one of the professions has a light armour restriction, this applies to both professions.

* Tweaked the numbers for character advancement packages, as the secondary skills bonus was a little too high. Extensive testing has confirmed this was the right move.

* 'Brutal Existence' talent now also provides some natural AP.

* 'Last Stand' talent's DM bonus doesn't increase with skill.

* Multishot, Rapid Shot & Double Tap  manoeuvres no longer apply a result bonus to the skill check at 99%.



Scifi Core Rulebook 2e v2.02 

Professions & Species

* Inheritor 'Bodyguard' option no longer grants the Soldier profession to your servant, but they do gain a free talent.

* Scavenger's 'Steady Aim' talent grants an extra action to attack or reload.

* Doctor's 'Advanced Surgery' talent now also grants an extra action to use medicine, narcotics or herbs on self or others.

* The Doctor's 'Field Medic' talent allows you to inject a sedative into a hostile target in combat.

* Automaton 'Rugged' trait now adds Strength Attribute Bonus to Hit Points. This applies to robots in general.

* All ages of the Inheritor's servant can take combat skills.

* Altered the Inheritor's Veteran option to include Young servants, and is now called 'Bodyguard.

* The Inheritor's 'Charmer' option now also improves Critical Range for Influence.

* Courtesan 'Special Friend' gains a bonus to concealed weapons, and its seduction bonus against any sex has been moved over to 'Can't play a player'. 

* 'Bullseye' Pilot profession talent now also grants its bonus to the Pilot skill.

* Veiran now count as having Grit for the Threat Level calculator.

* Roden's 'All of the Bits' and Mentari's 'Legend of Science' talents have been improved.

* Revised the Ageless One profession.

* Improved the Phase manoevure.

* 'Improviser' Roden talent now correctly lists Salvaging as its skill.

* Feline Venator 'Cat Naps' ability now also switches Heal Rate to AGI instead of CON, and Hit Points are regenerated every 2 hours of sleep along with Spirit. 

* The Second Profession talent now states: If one of the professions has a light armour restriction, this applies to both professions.

* Revised Service Droid profession to be much more flexible and give the species a wider range of profession options.

* Tweaked the numbers for character advancement packages, as the secondary skills bonus was a little too high. Extensive testing has confirmed this was the right move.

* Warbot uses Endurance as its Primary Skill. Changed it's 'Armed' speciality to 'Fire Support'.


Talents, Psi & Manoeuvres

* Ranged Impact has had its text updated.

* Corrected the text on how the Impact trait works.

* Clarifed how the 'Control Movement' talent works.

* Multishot, Rapid Shot, Double Tap and Chain Fire manoeuvres no longer apply a result bonus to the skill check at 99%.

* The 'Psychic Shield' ability has been normalised with the fantasy version.

* 'Organic Systems' talent is now correctly mentioned as requiring the Endurance skill to advance.

* Removed 'Drive-By Shooting' and 'Drive and Shoot' talents. 

* There are no penalties for shooting out a window of a vehicle.

* 'Pursuit Specialist' talent now requires 50% skill, and additionally allows vehicle movement and shooting in the same action. Works for Pilot or Drive skill.

* 'Ace Pilot' has been replaced by 'Vehicle Expert', grants critical range and result bonus to both Pilot and Drive skills when controlling vehicles.


Other Stuff

* Revised the baseline robot template.

* Added Claymore mine modern explosive.

* Improved the damage for arquebuses, culverin & musket. Increased price for culverin.

* Improved the damage for 20mm elephant gun and increased its Size. 

* Added .45 elephant gun.

* Added 'Muzzleloader' firearms manoeuvre specifically for black powder weapons.

* Ninjato is no longer considered a concealed weapon.

* Removed the '20mm rifle' rounds. The 20mm Rifle now files 20mm cannon shells, as is proper, and it is classified as a longarm, with a 3 round clip.

* Nauseated condition now causes stun on a fumbled check.

* Reduced the cost of robot body blueprints.

* Added flare gun (under explosives) and flares to the ammo section (next to .45 cal bullets).

* Corrected the armour take off/put on times.

* Sonic Lance's damage has been corrected to a non-insane amount.

* Pseudo Immortality genetic mod now lowers HP by -5, and it can't bring anyone back from negative max HP x2 (because you've exploded).

* Corrected the language on Encumbrance limits.

* Improved 'Nuclear Powered' robot upgrade.

* 'Headshot' manoeuvre now requires the shooter to be prone.


Scifi Starships v2.01

* 'Stealth Upgrade' is more effective and divided into Small Craft and Subcap variants.

* 'Afterburner' Upgrade now lists a 2x speed bonus in atmosphere.

* The cost of many starship upgrades has increased.

* The Workshop can now also benefit the Surgery skill.

* Weapon Upgrade now increases range by 1sq.

* Revised the Breach Pod upgrade.

* Added notes on the Docking and Undocking procedure in the Navigation section.

* The critical hit table now includes a Workshop upgrade, and is a weighted result.

* Added Research and Build teams in the Enlisted Crew options.

* Added 'Improved Shields' science upgrade.

* 'Overload' engineering manoeuvres always damage the Hit Points of the system. Some can improve their power for each hit point you sacrifice.

* Increased the range on capital weaponry, and the combat lock range on heavy and light cruisers.

* Added 'Sensor Dampening' DefenseOps manoeuvre.

* 'Disrupt Shields' manoeuvre is now at 99%, halves enemy shield AP.

* Zacharial 'Ego Maniac' bonus now adds CHA Attribute bonus to HP.

* Revised Species hull bonuses:

 - Carapan has -10% agility penalty.

 - Corvid has +10% agility bonus, reduced AP penalty.

 - Mentari weapon results are halved, not removed entirely.

 - Added Shikava hull type, which grants +5 Crit range on weapons, and a HP loss as penalty.

 - Venator capacitor penalty is reduced.

 - Zacharial has -10% agility penalty, but is also Invulnerable to fire.

 - Veiran loses slots instead of HP

* Thruster upgrade for capital ships is now 25 slots instead of 50.

* Corrected the build requirements for Dreadnought hulls.

* Corrected the classification of small craft for each entry (other than Skiff).

* Added the Zero-g Training talent, which now has no prerequisites.

* Added 'Dropship' class small craft.

* Colour shifted the cover image to help it stand out from the other covers.



Scifi Encounters v2.0

* Updated all npc templates with current profession abilities.

* Added new TL 20 npc templates for extra murderousness.

* Colour shifted the cover image to help it stand out from the other covers.