Happy new year to everyone! After running a session and getting some feedback about a few things (and finding some bugs to fix), I'm ready to release the 2.20 update for the system. It's a big one, and requires a devblog to explain what's going on here. Deep breath!
Combat Damage Balance
For a couple of years now, I've been filling out the talents and manoeuvres list in Sabre with “cool ideas”, without actually going over the numbers and seeing how it all fits together. At the request of a contributor, I spent a few hours calculating the damage output of certain combat styles, and found things were quite out of balance, especially unarmed combat, which easily beat out everything else for pure damage output. I'm not even talking about magically augmented 'monks' either, I just mean Jim from accounting who goes to karate class on Thursdays. With enough training, he could punch a dragon to death in 6 seconds (seriously, it came to something like 140 damage in one round), no doubt shouting something witty along the lines of "Reconcile this!" So, some adjustment was in order, as follows:
Two-handed weapons became the new baseline, given that they could only have one attack per round. Even then, their damage output was a little low so while wielding two handed weapons, a character's damage modifier is doubled. That's some solid damage right there.
The next issue was dual-wielding. Sabre leans towards 'realistic' more often than not, but the previous rules were very casual about effectively wielding two weapons at once. Historically, it was a fencing style, usually with a dagger in the off-hand. So, some of the duel-wielding talents have been folded into the Blades & Martial Arts (more on this below) weapon styles, which, along with clubs (staves can be used as dual-weapons too) are the only types which allow any sort of duel-wielding. The flexibility one needs restricts the armour type to 'Light' as well, but Blades have bonuses to Parrying instead, and of course light armour grants access to the Evade talents. In the end, dual wielding, whether with blades or martial arts weapons, can deal more damage than a two-handed sword, but individual hits are smaller and less effective against armour.
Next up was the sword & board style, which factors in shield bash. This is basically unchanged, coming in with less damage than either of the previous styles, but of course having the immense protective benefits of a shield.
So, on to unarmed combat. Some of my contributors and I have talked about how this skill should work over the years. My position was that anyone, even a child, can throw a punch, and therefore it should be a common skill. But expertise in unarmed combat requires specialised training, so we recently came to the conclusion that it should be both. There is now the Unarmed common skill, and the Martial Arts professional skill. All of the Unarmed talents and manoeuvres have been moved over to Martial Arts, so if you need to punch someone you still can, but it's a pretty basic attack. If you want to be really good at it, you need the professional skill.
I've also rebalanced the damage output of basic martial arts to something more realistic, adjusting talents and manoeuvres that applied extra damage but at the same time, I've added a few extra spells to sorcery and psionics (which tend to favour monk-like characters) which augment unarmed capabilities. In addition to this, I've added japanese weapons (sorry china, I'm not very familiar with your equipment at this stage!) which can be used with the martial arts skill, and therefore all the talents and manoeuvres. Well, some of them require you to be empty-handed, but otherwise they can be useful for increasing your damage output.
This brings me to the last change for the combat system, multiple attacks. In the end, there were too many things going on in each round, with some characters of moderate 'level' having 3 or more attacks per round. As part of balancing the combat system, I took out 'Second Strike' for Medium sized melee, and 'the ol' one-two' martial arts has a requirement of 90% in the skill, and it only applies to empty-handed attacks (no weapons). As mentioned earlier, Blades and Martial Arts can still get an off-hand attack at around 70% skill, and blades still have the Riposte ability for extra attacks, but otherwise I've brought the number right down. There are still spells like Celerity that can add extra attacks, but the balance of the combat system should be very good now.
Skill Learning System
Something that bothered me for quite some time was the way learning skills and talents was sort of intermeshed. It was a little confusing and didn't make a lot of sense in ways, so we came up with a way to treat it more like the acquisition of spells, with a set price, and limited by a character's intelligence attribute. It can be more expensive in general to acquire a new skill, which is intentional - it adds more weight to your starting skill choices, but the cost doesn't increase for each one you get either. Acquiring talents remains unchanged, with increasing cost being the limiting factor.
Casting spells in leather
At first, I didn't mind that leather armour was being treated more like heavy clothing, but as time went on, I saw that all of the spellcasters were wrapped in leather from head to toe. That's not the look I was going for – since I wanted to capture a traditional fantasy experience of the 'robed wizard', I've put the double spell cost onto leather armour. But fear not! It's a little easier to get the 'Endurance training' talent to mitigate this effect, though it does still require 15 CON. Also, Wyvern & dragon leather (as well as mithral) remove this penalty, so leather-clad wizards can still be a thing if they want to pay extra for the privilege, plus dragon skin stacks with auric armour so those armour spells you cast can be bolstered by wearing the skin of your fallen enemies, you monster.
Armour spells
Speaking of armour spells, I've changed the spell system overall to allow just one per magic field (two for druid, since they also get barkskin), with the ability to spend extra spirit to increase the effect. It's cleaner, more flexible, and removes the need to buy multiple spells that sort of do the same thing. You see, shortly after completing the tiered spell system a few years back, I realised another way to do a spell system would be to have just one tier or level, and as your skill increases you can put more points into a spell to get more effect. Of course, that would mean re-writing the entire spell system so I wasn't keen on tackling it at the time! But after a recent game session where the players encountered this new change, the result was extremely positive and they encouraged me to expand this new way of doing magic.
So, over the course of at least the next couple of updates, I'll be conducting overhauls of certain spells. For example, taking out all the lightning spells for a particular field of magic and replacing them with a 1st tier version that can be boosted, just like the new armour effects. As the caster's skill increases past 70%, 90% etc, more points can be put into it to get teh same effects as the old spells, but also with other flexible options such as range, area of effect etc. This will make the spell system very flexible indeed.
Saerid tweak
Ah the saerid, such a challenging race to balance! I do love the four-arm concept, just that it's been difficult to make it work properly in Sabre. My original vision for the race was that they had little to no magical ability, but physically they were supreme. Adding a few greater magic options to their backgrounds went contrary to this, but it was worth trying it out. I'm returning them to their original vision though, with no access to greater magic at all, but they can still take the lesser fields of magic. This has allowed me to boost their natural armour a little more, and with the changes to duel wielding they're much more in balance with the other races.
The numbers were way too generous – a character with 15 strength and constitution could effectively carry a whole other person without becoming encumbered and then also perform acrobatics, much to the delight of small children nearby. So I've halved the calculation and reduced the effects of being encumbered slightly, since it's likely character might actually get encumbered now. I've also made teh 'carrying equipment' like backpacks a bit lighter, and adjusted the 'dimensional bag' artifice spell to be more useful in this regard.
What's next?
I'm feeling a little burnt out by this massive update and I hate having people re-learn stuff in a game system so I won't be doing anything this big for some time, if ever. I wish Sabre had been in its current state upon first release, but only with feedback was I able to bring it up to this level now, so thanks to everyone who threw in their two cents. Here's what's coming next:
* I'm focusing on the artwork now, first for the codex and then the bestiary. The forest elf is coming up first, but depending on how long these take me, I might just release a few on a monthly update basis as usual.
* The magic system overhaul will be done in chunks, and I've no idea how long this will take, but it's a thing that will happen.
I want to start my next novel too and get that trilogy complete, so I think I'll just work on these three areas in the near future. In a month or two I might get some more done on the atlas too, as there's still 5 countries yet to be completed. Lots of things to keep me busy all year!
v2.20 Premium Notes (See below for Basic Edition)
* Fixed some broken and misguided links.
* The 'Restrained' condition now also halves the victim's movement.
* Added header navigation links for the skills and backgrounds section.
* Instances of 'Elven Cat' have been changed to 'Fey Cat'.
* The 'Squire' background is now more appropriately called 'Page'.
* Increased the weapon SIZ of polearms to the correct setting.
* Corrected the damage for Short Scythe and Military Scythe.
* 'Brawny caster' war devotion talent now only applies its bonus to 'Instant' damage spells.
* Corrected the sentence in 'Attack Basics' that refers to the old 'critical effects table' which is no longer a thing.
* Updated the Example of Play to reflect the current rules on dealing with a Serious Wound.
* Replaced missing 'Deadly Swords' talent description.
* 'Inspiring Charge' leadership manoevure has had the language rearranged to correct note that the character's charge is what inspires others to be better killing machines.
* 'Potent artifice' spell description now correctly notes that it doesn't double the spell range.
General Changes
* 'Imbue trap' wizardry talent is now called 'Magical trap', now also allows wizards to disarm magical traps.
* Revised the 'Accolade Skill Cost' table a little.
* Revised the way new skills are gained, with a new section on 'Learning New Professional Skills'.
* Skills are no longer factored into the cost of acquiring new talents.
* Made some adjustments to which races can get which backgrounds.
* Saerid can no longer take greater magic backgrounds.
* Thick Carapace now correctly grants +2 natural armour.
* Hard shell now grants +3 natural armour.
* Wearing any leather armour doubles the spirit point cost of magic spells.
* The 'Endurance Training' talent no longer requires 'Medium Armour Training' and also applies to light armour.
* Revised exotic material tables: Wyvern leather, dragon leather and Mithral do not interfere with spellcasting.
* Added a spot on the character sheet to show your maximum number of professional skills, and space for the maximum number of spells too.
* 'Energising Embrace' charms talent now doubles your Heal and Spirit regen rate overnight.
* 'Second Wind' can be used on Serious Wounds but doesn't stop bleeding.
* 'Adrenaline Surge' now gives 4 temporary Spirit Points while it lasts, gain fatigue when it ends.
* Removed 'Spirit Surge' action.
* 'Acid Bomb' alchemy spell now damages AP if the damage it deals is above the AP of the target.
* Moved the 'Carrying Equipment' section closer to 'Tools & Gear'.
* Added standard tinctures to the 'Apothecary Services' table under 'Magical Services'.
* The 'Teach' skill can be used to improve a character's skill up to 80% instead of 60%.
* 'Efficient Formulas' alchemy talent is now listed under general talents, requires Herbalism skill and affects tinctures, not potions.
* The encumbrance calculation has been modified. 'Burdened' is now STR+CON/2, 'Heavily Burdened' is now STR+CON etc
* 'Burdened' now only imposes a -2 move penalty and fatigue checks every 3 rounds in combat (and regular checks when travelling).
* The ENC of tinctures, poultice, potions and salves is now 0 (they're pretty small, when you think about it).
* The ENC of the Healer's kit, Alchemists kit, Alchemical materials and Herbalist kit have been set to 2.
* The ENC of all carrying gear except for saddlebags has been set to 1.
New (general stuff)!
* Added 'Enhanced Bond' wizardry companion talent.
* Added 'Companion Resistance' companion talent.
* Added 'Sentinel' companion talent.
* Added new 'Advanced Alchemy' spells to the alchemy section (not yet completed).
* Added 'Assassin's Apprentice' background for several races.
* Added a 'Drop Backpack' action to the actions table.
* Added 'Lip Reading' skill.
Weapon System Balance
* Using two-handed melee weapons adds double your Damage Modifier.
* Escardi no longer suffer any penalty to wielding a two-handed weapon in a single hand, they just don't get the double damage modifier to it.
* The 'entrapping' weapon trait has been changed to 'Parrying', increases parry SIZ.
* Removed 'Second Strike' melee manoeuvre.
* 'The Ol' One-Two' unarmed manoeuvre now requires 90% Martial Arts skill and only applies to emtpy-handed attacks.
* Added 'Forceful Strike' melee manoevure.
Dual-Wielding Revamp (much more realistic)
* Altered the rules for two-weapon fighting, which now can only be done with Blades, Martial Arts and staves.
* Attacks after the first primary check you make during a round do not raise your skill on a failed check.
* Removed 'Follow-Through Attack' & 'Ambidexterity' talents.
* Removed 'Swashbuckler' blade talent and replaced with 'Dual-wielding'.
* Removed 'Fencer' blade talent and replaced with 'Twin Blade Defence'.
* 'Dual-wielding' is now a Blades talent and allows you to use a small blade weapon in your off-hand to make a second attack during your turn.
* Replaced 'Heft' club talent with 'Whirling staff' talent, allowing a staff to be used as a double weapon.
Unarmed Combat Revamp (long overdue)
* Added new 'Martial Arts' professional skill. All Unarmed talents and manoeuvres have been moved over to that.
* 'Drunker Master' talent no longer gives extra damage, but grants Reduction against all damage types.
* Removed 'Flurry' talent.
* Replaced 'Brawler' with 'Iron Fist' talent.
* Replaced 'Counterstrike' with 'Two Weapons' Martial Arts talent.
* Added 'Martial Weapons' and 'Weapons Expertise' Martial Arts talents.
* Added 'Solid Defence' martial arts manoeuvre.
* Added 'Reverse Grip' martial arts manoeuvre.
* 'Martial Artist' talent is now called 'Martial Warrior'.
* 'Kick' Martial Arts manoeuvre no longer grants additional damage.
* 'Sucker Punch' Martial Arts manoeuvre now simply grants +2 damage instead of an extra dice.
* 'Spectral Gauntlets' sorcery spell now also increases effective weapon SIZ by two steps, and is now a concentration spell, is tier 3 and quick to cast.
* Added 'Psi Warrior' psionic spell at tier 3, similar to Spectral gauntlets with a little twist.
* Added 'Roundhouse Kick' Martial Arts manoeuvre.
* 'Flying Kick' manoeuvre moved from Acrobatics to Martial Arts.
* Knuckledusters are now concealed weapons.
* 'Reckless attack' talent now applies to melee, unarmed and martial arts skills.
* Mail gloves are now Small, Plate gauntlets are considered Medium SIZ.
* The Unarmed common skill now deals 1 point of damage (plus damage modifier of course).
* The 'Monastery Orphan' background now gives the Martial Arts skill instead of Acrobatics, and First Aid instead of Unarmed.
* Added a table with new exotic martial arts weapons (japanese).
* Added 'Dragon Strike' martial arts manoeuvre.
* Added 'Psi Gauntlets' and 'Psi Warrior' psionic spells.
* Moved 'Spectal Gauntlets' sorcery spell to tier 3, moved 'Unstoppable force' spell to tier 4 and revamped its effects.
Spell System
* Revised the armour spells for all greater magic. Now there is just one spell at tier 2 which can be boosted to provide more AP as the character's skill increases, as noted below.
Divine: 'Armour of Faith', moved to tier 2, removed 'Raiment of Faith' and 'Prayer of Steel' spells. 'Aura of Peace' divine spell just makes target immune to being frightened, removed the armour bonus, and it's now tier 1.
Wizardry: 'Arcane Armour' moved to tier 2, removed 'Spectral armour' and 'Intellect Fortress' spells. 'Convey Voice' wizardry spell is now tier 1.
Artifice: Altered 'Eldritch Barrier' spell, remains at tier 3.
Druidry: Removed 'Earth Conduit', 'Stoneskin' now called 'Stone Armour' and is tier 2. 'Barkskin' can be boosted further.
Sorcery: 'Auric Armour' removed, 'Spectral Armour' moved to tier 2.
Shamanic: 'Spectral Wreath' moved to tier 2. 'Aura of Death' doesn't provide AP but now deals 2 damage when caster is hit in melee.
Psionic: 'Tower of Will' now tier 2, removed 'Psychic Armour' and 'Mental Barrier' spells. 'Psychic Aegis' moved to tier 1.
* Moved 'Web' wizardry spell to tier 2, now renders target 'pinned'.
* 'Schism' psionic spell now lets the caster maintain 2 concentration spells at once.
* 'Spirit Generator' spell fixed to show that it lasts 7 days, but only one can be in existence at a time.
* 'Dimensional bag' spell now simply negates the weight of items placed with, but can also be expanded by spending more spirit.
v1.50 Basic Edition Abridged notes
* Fixed some broken and misguided links.
* The 'Restrained' condition now also halves the victim's movement.
* Added header navigation links for the skills and backgrounds section.
* Instances of 'Elven Cat' have been changed to 'Fey Cat'.
* The 'Squire' background is now more appropriately called 'Page'.
* Increased the weapon SIZ of polearms to the correct setting.
* Corrected the damage for Short Scythe and Military Scythe.
* 'Brawny caster' war devotion talent now only applies its bonus to 'Instant' damage spells.
* Corrected the sentence in 'Attack Basics' that refers to the old 'critical effects table' which is no longer a thing.
* Updated the Example of Play to reflect the current rules on dealing with a Serious Wound.
* Corrected the GM and Magical Services table as to the effectiveness of healing potions and salves.
* Corrected the description of 'Snap Shot' bow talent.
* Replaced the missing 'Sap' and 'Reckless attack' talent descriptions.
General Changes
* Revised the 'Accolade Skill Cost' table a little.
* Revised the way new skills are gained, with a new section on 'Learning New Professional Skills'.
* Skills are no longer factored into the cost of acquiring new talents.
* Wearing any leather armour doubles the spirit point cost of magic spells.
* The 'Endurance Training' talent no longer requires 'Medium Armour Training' and also applies to light armour.
* Revised exotic material tables: Wyvern leather, dragon leather and Mithral do not interfere with spellcasting.
* Added a spot on the character sheet to show your maximum number of professional skills, and space for the maximum number of spells too.
* Moved 'Web' wizardry spell to tier 2, now renders target 'pinned'.
* 'Second Wind' can be used on Serious Wounds but doesn't stop bleeding.
* 'Adrenaline Surge' now gives 4 temporary Spirit Points while it lasts, gain fatigue when it ends.
* Removed 'Spirit Surge' action.
* Moved the 'Carrying Equipment' section closer to 'Tools & Gear'.
* Added standard tinctures to the 'Apothecary Services' table under 'Magical Services'.
* The 'Teach' skill can be used to improve a character's skill up to 80% instead of 60%.
* The encumbrance calculation has been modified. 'Burdened' is now STR+CON/2, 'Heavily Burdened' is now STR+CON etc
* 'Burdened' now only imposes a -2 move penalty and fatigue checks every 3 rounds in combat (and regular checks when travelling).
* The ENC of tinctures, poultice, potions and salves is now 0 (they're pretty small, when you think about it).
* The ENC of the Healer's kit, Alchemists kit, Alchemical materials and Herbalist kit have been set to 2.
* The ENC of all carrying gear except for saddlebags has been set to 1.
Weapon System Balance
* Using two-handed melee weapons adds double your Damage Modifier.
* The 'entrapping' weapon trait has been changed to 'Parrying', increases parry SIZ.
* Removed 'Second Strike' melee manoeuvre.
* Removed 'The Ol' One-Two' unarmed manoeuvre.
* Added 'Forceful Strike' melee manoevure.
Dual-Wielding Revamp (much more realistic)
* Altered the rules for two-weapon fighting, which now can only be done with Blades, Martial Arts and staves.
* Attacks after the first primary check you make during a round do not raise your skill on a failed check.
* Removed 'Follow-Through Attack' & 'Ambidexterity' talents.
* Removed 'Swashbuckler' blade talent and replaced with 'Dual-wielding'.
* Removed 'Fencer' blade talent and replaced with 'Twin Blade Defence'.
* 'Dual-wielding' is now a Blades talent and allows you to use a small blade weapon in your off-hand to make a second attack during your turn.
* Replaced 'Heft' club talent with 'Whirling staff' talent, allowing a staff to be used as a double weapon.
Unarmed Combat Revamp (long overdue)
* Added new 'Martial Arts' professional skill. All Unarmed talents and manoeuvres have been moved over to that.
* Replaced 'Brawler' with 'Iron Fist' talent.
* Replaced 'Counterstrike' with 'Two Weapons' Martial Arts talent.
* Added 'Martial Weapons' Martial Arts talent.
* 'Kick' Martial Arts manoeuvre no longer grants additional damage.
* 'Sucker Punch' Martial Arts manoeuvre now simply grants +2 damage instead of an extra dice.
* 'Reckless attack' talent now applies to melee, unarmed and martial arts skills.
* Mail gloves are now Small, Plate gauntlets are considered Medium SIZ.
* The Unarmed common skill now deals 1 point of damage (plus damage modifier of course).
* Added a table with new exotic martial arts weapons (japanese).